• speech recognition    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 弘典科技有限公司

      ...Personal Handy phone System)、自然語音辨識系統(Automatic Speech Recognition,簡稱ASR系統)、第三代通訊技術(3rd Generation簡稱3G)、交互式語音查詢系統( Interactive Voice Response System,簡稱IVR系統 )、簡訊(Short Messages,簡稱SMS)或簡訊簡碼( Shor...

      電話:02-89214775    地址:台北市大同區承德路二段20號3樓
    2. 象星科技有限公司

      ...ency, i.e. Text to Speech application, Office reader/editor, business card recognition, 1D/2D barcode reader, instant messaging solution and so on. Furthermore, the advanced capability on the conceptual/structural design of Man Machine User Interface and the API integration meets most of todays mobi...

      電話:02-27270289    地址:台北市信義區松德路217號 (6/10搬汐止.長興街)
    3. 精新創作有限公司

      會議及展覽服務業, www.2010clinton-taipei.com.tw, Subsidary of UNI Strategic Pte Ltd, www.unistrategic.comOrganized and invited President Bill Clinton to give speech in Taipei on Nov 14th,2010.

      電話:02-23460922    地址:台北市信義區虎林街202巷46号
    4. 台北市愛孩子當代私塾文理補習班

      ...1年元月 人體大奇航冬令營2月大家來找查--查字典大賽3月SPEECH COMPETITION演講比賽4月讓世界充滿愛, 讓孩子展望未來--跳蚤市場愛心義賣5月你"文"我"愛"你有多深-愛孩子慶周年作文比賽6月 童黨萬歲7月 愛暑百科夏令營

      電話:02-27552680    地址:台北市大安區安和路一段112巷27號2F
    5. 美商海鷗科技亞太股份有限公司

      ... success over many years has been the careful evaluation of talent and the recognition and reward of employees for their excellence and hard work. So, Come Join The Team!This is truly an exciting time for us, but we definitely need to have the right people onboard to help us reach the next level. If...

      電話:02-37652440    地址:台北市信義區基隆路一段163號17F

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